3 Seasonal Health and Wellness Tips for the Tri-State Area

New York City Healthy Food Options | Tri-State Area Health and Wellness | Newark Office Water Filtration

A focus on health and wellness shouldn’t end as the seasons change. Fall is one of the best times to give yourself and your staff access to healthy snacks and drinks. A bounty of nutritious food ready in the fall offers dozens of employee wellness benefits. Plus, there are great ways to add hydration and spice up Tri-State area beverage vending technology and office coffee.

Follow along as Evans Refreshment Solutions breaks down some of the office food options that can go a long way toward supporting employee well-being. With our decades of knowledge, we provide the best choice for office snacks, coffee, and food in New York City and Newark. This is especially true of healthy office food options and snack choices. So, let’s dive in.

Seasonal Foods Boost Immunity

Fall in harvest time. That means fruits and vegetables are at the pick of their ripeness. Not only does this produce delicious vending treats available to you through breakroom technology, but it also boosts their nutrition. Fall produce is full of vitamins that power immunity. Pumpkins, squash, sweet potatoes, and apples are rich in vitamins A and C. These act as antioxidants that protect us from harmful free radicals. They support the function of white blood cells, which are known to fight infections. This is more important as the months turn cold, putting pressure on the immune system.

Evans can add fall fruit to your breakroom with New York City office pantry service. The fresh fruit is nutrient-dense and ready when your staff needs it most – break time. It’s a great way to show employee appreciation. Plus, it delivers a healthy snack at the same time.

Hydration is Still Key to Health and Wellness

Though it’s cooling down, it’s vital to stay hydrated. People may feel less thirsty during cooler weather but still need to drink just as much office water and other beverages. Without the right fluids, energy levels can drop, and work performance decreases. Luckily, Newark’s modern breakroom technology includes water filtration units that can make your office water taste better than tap water. Thus, your staff will drink more. We can even add a Bevi water cooler that lets your staff add flavor and bubbles to water, so it’s an exciting drink.

Grabbing a cup of java from your Tri-State Area office coffee brewer can count towards your daily fluid intake, too—in moderation. The most important thing is to monitor the color of your urine. The darker the color, the more likely you are to be dehydrated and need to drink more water and eat water-rich foods.

Would you like bottled water for your Tri-State area office? Thanks to Evans’ innovative vending, bottled water, sparkling water, juice, and other healthy drinks are available in Newark breakrooms 24/7. There is always something great to drink! That leads to high employee satisfaction in the fall or any time of year.

New York City Breakroom Technology | Tri-State Area Snack & Drink Vending | Newark Health and Wellness

Spices Support Workplace Wellness

Fall is associated with spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. These are great for their flavors, but did you know they also have health benefits? It’s true. Ginger, for instance, can aid digestion and reduce inflammation. It can also relieve nausea, reduce the feeling of being bloated, and act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Try it as a hot tea for an after-lunch pick-me-up. Many varieties are caffeine-free. Or add it to homemade soups to eat during lunch.

Use Spice in Coffee and Beyond

Adding fall spices to your coffee is a flavorful and fun way to support your health. Cinnamon is great in coffee and rich in antioxidants. Studies have shown that it helps reduce inflammation and may level out blood sugar. Sprinkle a bit into your mug of coffee or in your morning oatmeal.

Nutmeg is another common spice that reminds us of fall and delicious coffee. It aids digestion and is said to be antibacterial. It may even improve sleep and lessen anxiety, which is great for stressful work days. Besides coffee, it’s great to sprinkle on roasted fall vegetables, giving you a double dose of goodness.

Support Health and Wellness in the Tri-State Area Breakroom

Evans wants to deliver the best office vending technology to the Tri-State Area. That means helping to keep you happy and healthy. This fall, it’s time to enjoy some seasonal produce that’s fresh and full of good-for-you vitamins. It’s important to stay hydrated, too, as that aids the body and keeps you going. Lastly, fall spices offer considerable health benefits. They enhance both flavor and well-being during the colder months.

Get more health and wellness-supporting options in your Tri-State area, Newark, or New York City breakroom with Evans Refreshment Solutions. We have everything you need, from self-pay markets to snack vending technology. Give us a call at (201) 641-6000.
